They were deadly
enemies, until a greater threat made them unwilling allies...and lovers.
Sherandar is the most cunning
adversary Quazar has ever faced. He never knows when or where his worst
nightmare will strike, but when she does, it's with the single-minded
purpose to taunt him. Ridicule him. And to make his life a living hell.
Regular cuffs and jail cells can't hold her, yet somehow, someway,
Quazar has to bring her reign to a screeching halt.
But when a new enemy makes himself
known, and tries to kill both Quazar and Sherandar, the two combatants
realize the only way to defeat this deadly threat is to call a temporary
truce and join forces.
It isn't until she lies broken, bloodied, and dying in
his arms that Quazar realizes she has become more to him than his
temporary ally. He has fallen in love with her.
Contains deadly necklaces, delectable desserts, a skintight costume, an
antique stove, dining table sex, and a bored megalomaniac who has no
qualms about killing because he just wants to watch the world burn.